Signet of Undeath

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Signet of Undeath.png

Signet of Undeath

Necromancer icon small.png Necromancer (skill list)
Training cost
4 Hero points
Game link
Signet of Undeath (overhead icon).png

Overhead activation icon

10.5½ Activation time  9,606 Health cost  75 Recharge time  
Signet of Undeath

Signet Passive: Generates life force while in combat.
Signet Active: Sacrifice health to revive one downed ally in a target area.

Number of targets.png Number of Allied Targets: 1
Radius.png Radius: 180
Range.png Range: 900

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Spite Spite


A downed, poisoned player with less than 30% health will not be revived.
  • Activating this skill costs additional 50% of the base health and the health gained from the base vitality, which is 9,606 health at level 80.
  • Barrier will reduce the health lost.
  • The cost is not affected by effects that reduce maximum health, such as Blight or Kryptis Essence.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
March 09, 2021
  • Fixed a bug that caused this skill to have a different recharge duration while players were underwater.
March 04, 2020
  • Reduced passive life force gained per interval from 4% to 2% in PvP only.
December 03, 2019
  • Reduced recharge to 75 seconds in all game modes. Reduced casting time from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Reduced the number of allies revived from 3 to 1. Added an additional health cost of 50% of base health to this skill. Increased the passive life force gain by 100%.
March 27, 2018
  • Reduced the cooldown from 150 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP and WvW.
July 26, 2016
  • Reduced the cooldown of this skill from 180 seconds to 150 seconds.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • This skill now has a small strike of damage to foes within its area of effect.
January 27, 2015
  • The passive life-force gain of this skill has been increased from 1% to 2%.
July 01, 2014
  • Added a skill fact for number of targets (3).
May 20, 2014
  • Fixed an issue that caused this skill to be ground targeted while under water.
  • This skill now revives allies in an area around the player (240 radius) while under water.
June 25, 2013
  • Increased the cast time to 3 seconds.
August 28, 2012 Game release:
  • Signet of Undeath has been added to the game.